Spring Break

I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A LONG LONG TIME!!! It's kinda cuz I've been trying to catch up on my stories. I'm still not ahead even though I tried to write my stories. I'm also catching up on major hw. I'm so tired=.=
Over spring break I've been doing the following:
Janet and my lovely notebook
watching dramas:)


Nancy said...

Ok so this is my third try attempting to post a comment on the "Spring Break" blog. Third time!!!! The first time I tried to post a comment, I somehow deleted it. Somehow. I'm not sure how though. Like it all deleted by itself. Not only one word, but the entire thing all at once. Can that happen? The second time, I just forgot to click the "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" button. I was tired and half asleep when I was doing it so that is understandable. So this is my third time. And it really sucks too because I had this super long comment the first time about everything and anything important. I would re-type it all but it's too long to re-type for the third time and plus I kind of forgot what I was talking about anyways. Hehe. So if I do remember what I wrote (because honestly, it was super duper uber duber longggggg) I'll tell you in person. So don't be alarmed if I suddenly run up to you and start talking about something completely random at school. Yup. I'm warning you!


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