Snowy Day

It's snowing... I really wish it wasn't, but at the same time, I love it. I'm skipping tennis today so it kinda feels great to just go home early and take a break. Luckily, today is a Friday. I'm determined to become a flight attendant and I know that I get at least 600 dollars for one trip. I like this job and if my parents don't agree, I don't care because I won't give up. I'm still attending college to get experience with customer service so that I can get a higher chance of being considered at a flight. I miss going to school for fun and not for work. Don't you just wish that life could be opposite? everything boring was fun and everything fun was >>>> fun? hehe. well, that's not the opposite but I don't want everything fun to be boring. Then, I wouldn't blogging right?! I LOVE BLOGGING. anyways. Oh yeah, Janet... keep me updated on the trip to CALI. Tell me if you see any hot guys or cute accessories. <<< i don't think I spelled that right. Well please comment and thanx for visiting my page :)



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